all i have to say at this time is a listing of who's correctly modding the game.
Energy- Very kind and sweet girl, She correctly uses the powers she was given.
Unholy- Often times has her hatred for people that she cant get over, but she still attempts to deal with them so i would say she correctly uses the power she was entrusted with.
Lavervira- Alright enough said, if you've met her you already know shes stuck up and thinks she's the game because shes a Smod not just a mod, Definate incorrect use of power.
Chapais- I myself have not seen the use of chapais's moderation, though i have heard much good about him/her and believe that chapais will be a good investment for prisonstruggle.
Don(Numbers i dont remember)- I have only once met him, and that was when all the mods(Amazingly including Lav) were nicer then they are now. Good use of Moderation
Mischief- I have met mischief a couple of times, he does not seem to be to bad of a guy though i dont know him well enough to make that decision. when i knew him, good use of power
Big Bird- Well last i knew big bird he wasnt a mod so i cant really tell you if he's a good use of powers.
xxLJxx and Axel320- do not know wither of these two at all and considering the mods are all jerks nowwa days im not sure i want to.
Well thats the close up of the moderation moderation for todays time.